Friday, January 4, 2008

Cheats for Stronghold 2

Cheats for Stronghold 2

Stronghold 2 Easter Eggs:

Change greeting voice
Enter your lords name as "Megalord" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "greetings Megalord"

Lord Seth Easter Egg
Enter "Lord Seth" as your lord's name, and you will hear Greetings Lord Seth at the into screen.

Lord Yoshi
Enter your lords name as "Yoshi" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "greetings Lord Yoshi"

Fourth of July Easter Egg
On the Fourth of July, instead of the normal greeting, the guy says "Happy Fourth of July, my Lord"

Late Nights Easter Egg
If you are playing stronghold in the wee hours of the morning the game will say "Its very late sire, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

April's Fool Greeting
You'll get a special April's Fool day greeting at the menu screen on April 1.

Stronghold 2 Glitches:

Ghost Horse
When you have a stable and horses, click on your king and get him to the ground. (it will not work if he is in a tower or on a wall) then click on his "get on the horse" icon. once the horse gets near him, click that icon multiple times. the horse will get to him and he will get on the horse and it will walk away, but he will still be on it. (the horse will still take minimum damage in battle but it will be about 1/10 as much)

Unlimitted men in towers
When the game is paused, direct small groups of men at a time to go into the tower. There will be no limit to the number of men you can get in the tower while paused.

Get honor more quickly from feasts
When there is a feast in your castle click the keep. You will see a button that says "return to keep;" clicking this button will immediately end the feast and give you your FULL honor for that feast.

How to get unlimited stone, wood, and gold!
Easy as pie, simply pause the game, while in any mode, kingmaker ect, then place either a stone or wood gate house (or both) and delete them, the gatehouses wont go anywhere but you'll keep getting the value back everytime you do!

Note: the gatehouse will disapear after you un-pause the game.
Also works with towers.

Click Here For FAQ and Walkthrough.

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